Destiny 2: All of the Tower’s Hidden Secrets and Easter Eggs

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Destiny 2 launched almost four years ago. With its release, players were pulled back into a universe of power struggles, conflicts of light and dark, and alien races. Since then, eagle-eyed fans have been able to find Easter eggs and hidden secrets across the game’s many locations. The Tower, which has been a social space in the game since its release, is chock full of these little secrets. Some of them can be incredibly hard to get to, while others will only require a player’s curiosity to find.

The majority of these Easter eggs in Destiny 2’s Tower come in the form of scannable items. These items contain small pieces of detail about in-game lore and certain characters throughout the game. Other hidden secrets involve how players interact with the Tower’s space and some of the environment pieces found there.

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The main area of the Tower is the courtyard. Here, most of the Tower’s vendors can be accessed as well as the Vault, Monument to Lost Lights, as well as the Crucible and Vanguard operations. The main area has several small details hidden about it just waiting for Guardians to scan them.

  • Connecting the Tower and the Hangar is a bridge. Above this bridge is a set of ventilation ducts and pipes. If players maneuver onto these pipes and ducts, they will locate a scannable. Ghost will talk about the City’s destruction and infrastructure plans to rebuild the areas that were destroyed.
  • When players are walking from the courtyard to the bazaar, they will have to cross a bridge. Immediately after crossing this bridge, players can turn right and follow the path to a large set of doors. On the ground, Guardians will find a scannable book and Ghost will tell them of the Speaker’s private quarters being rebuilt.
  • If players walk past the vendor Banshee-44 and take the stairs behind him down to the first landing, they will find a storage room. In the room is a scannable terminal that the Exo had tried to log on to. Unfortunately, he was using credentials as Banshee-41, from before his three most recent reboots, and was locked out of the terminal. Hopefully, a genius like Clovis Bray can help Banshee-44 log-in in the future.
  • Taking the stairs behind the Eververse store, players will find a series of pipes and vents. Sitting on the pipes is a scannable that tells Guardians of a System Engineer’s maintenance logs. Unfortunately, the engineer’s partner was lost in the Cabal’s attack on the Last City.
  • On the right side of the balcony that Lord Saladin stands on during the Iron Banner is an exceptionally large silver ventilation pipe. If guardians follow this pipe and climb over the top, they can drop down to Hawthorne’s reading corner and scan her books.
  • Just below Hawthorne’s reading corner, some supplies have been stowed out of reach. If Guardians scan these supplies, Ghost will tell them that they are stolen goods belonging to New Monarchy.
  • At the very bottom of the gap between the courtyard and the hangar, all the way down by the yellow beams is Amanda Holliday’s secret hideout. When the area is scanned, Ghost will mention that it should be kept a secret.
  • When Guardians spawn in, there will be a section of netting directly behind them. Players can walk onto this netting and drop down to land on some poles that jut out. From there, Guardians can maneuver their way forward by crouching and walking to reach a hidden ledge. Scanning the ledge will have Ghost tell players that such places have popped up since the Cabal attacked. People use them as a place to sit and talk, working through their memories of the traumatic event.
  • As players are walking from the Courtyard towards the bazaar, they’ll be able to walk straight ahead after crossing the bridge. If Guardians continue straight instead of turning down the stairs, they can find an area with Vanguard equipment and a little lamp. This lamp can be interacted with to turn it on and off.

The Tower’s courtyard also has a couple of minigames. Players that are looking for something to do while waiting for fireteam members to join up have an option between playing the floor is lava or unlocking a giant Traveler ball. To play The Floor is Lava in Destiny 2, Guardians have to climb up to the top level behind where they spawn and interact with the object that says, “Don’t Pick Me Up.” Players will then have to maneuver to one of three light columns where they will receive the Quickness buff.

To unlock the giant Traveler ball, players will need to move four different color balls into their respective spots. The balls all spawn on some boxes on the ledge just above where players do. The purple ball will need to be kicked to the large circle where Lord Saladin stands during the Iron Banner. The green ball will need to be kicked down the stairs behind the Eververse store. The black ball will need to be kicked up to the big red flag behind where Guardians spawn in. And the blue ball will need to be kicked to the middle section of the bridge between Commander Zavala and Shaxx.

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Zavala’s Office also has a few of its own Easter eggs. Guardians that enter the office can turn right to find the Speaker’s mask sitting in a glass display. Though the man has died, his wisdom and guidance are still important to Commander Zavala. If players turn left when they enter, on top of the shelves will be a radio. Interacting with this radio will play what sounds like Shaxx’s workout mixtape. Finally, on Zavala’s desk is a Newton’s Cradle. Players can interact with it to get the balls swinging, doing so again will stop the cradle.

The Tower’s Hangar is home to multiple factions, Amanda Holliday, Saint 14, and some secrets of its own. Along with the ability to summon a player’s jumpship, an incident counter that keeps track of how many in-game days have passed since a Guardian has died, and terminals to raise blast deflectors, the hangar has a set of its own scannables.

  • On the stairs behind Dead Orbit, but before where Xur spawns, is a terminal containing the Dead Orbit forum. Ghost comments about the group’s general nihilism and emo-ness when the terminal is scanned.
  • Directly below the Future War Cult’s office is a set-up of Shaxx’s Redjacks. When they are scanned, Ghost will tell the player that someone has been tampering with them.
  • If players take the stairs behind Dead Orbit up to the catwalks, they can access the equipment that hangs over Arach Jalaal. Here, someone has left some notes behind. A scan reveals that Dead Orbit and Arach Jalaal were being spied on.
  • Taking the pathways further past this and above the Future War Cult office players can hug the wall to jump onto a platform above the hangar’s entrance. Following this path will take Guardians to a room with Ana Bray’s journal. Going further will take them into Daito’s room, and following the door past there will take players into the Tower’s armory.
  • Players can take the hangar’s catwalks to the back right corner to find a scannable about Amanda Holliday and Commander Zavala’s communications.
  • If players walk out onto the ledge by the interactable for the blast deflectors, they can turn right to follow a path to a risky jump. This jump will get players onto a platform where they can scan a stack of boxes containing Vanguard history books, many of them about Osiris.
  • If players climb the back right pillar of the hangar, they can find a scannable for Amanda Holliday’s biography. It is unclear who is writing it, but they clearly want to hide it from her.
  • On the catwalk by Future War Cult just before the bridge across to Saint 14, players can climb over the railing. Here, they can scan a log of tech that Future War Cult is hiding. Some of it Ghost says he doesn’t even understand.

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The Tower’s bazaar has some of the hardest-to-reach scannables out of the three locations. With difficult jumps and tight edges, they can be a pain to reach.

  • When first entering the bazaar, immediately to the right of players is a metal gate that is partially raised. By crouching under the gate, Guardians can reach a room where a scannable about Banshee-44 is located.
  • Also, immediately right of the Bazaar’s entrance and just before the raised gate is a dark nook. If players walk in, they can scan a piece about Eva Levante. Ghost confirms that she is ok, but no one has seen her in a while.
  • If players take the stairs up to Hawthorne and continue past her, there is a patio at the top. Up here a book can be scanned.
  • Climbing up the last wooden pole on the patio’s right-hand railing players can jump towards the wall and hug the edge. If they maneuver right, they can jump over the gap onto the blue awning. Here there will be a scannable for Eris Morn as Ghost wonders where she went.
  • Players can jump from the left-hand railing behind the couches on the patio to reach Ikora Rey‘s balcony. There will be a book to scan, and Ghost will note her efforts to allow more of the Last City’s citizens to visit the tower.
  • Behind New Monarchy’s opulent covered patio is a ledge that Guardians can drop down to. If this ledge is followed to the end, players can scan a set of boxes and Ghost will discuss Hawthorne’s influence on the people of the Tower.
  • If players turn left when first entering the bazaar they can walk to the far corner and scan items to learn about the Tower’s market efforts. It seems like every vendor of the Tower is part of a group effort to revitalize what survived the Cabal’s attack.

Finally, the Tower also contains one small resident that seems to roam through the vents and ducts. There is a striped cat in Destiny 2 that can be seen to groom itself and relax in different areas. It can be seen perched on a shelf in Zavala’s office, sitting in one of the windows to the Speaker’s private quarters, or above the patio in the bazaar. While it would be nice if Guardians could pet or feed the Tower’s feline friend, it will run away when approached. So far, it doesn’t seem to have taken an interest in Saint 14’s pigeons and the cat most likely avoids Louis as well.

Destiny 2 is available now for PC, PS4, PS5, Stadia, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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