Rust: 10 Pro Tips You Need To Know | Game Rant

Home » Rust: 10 Pro Tips You Need To Know | Game Rant
author image by RootSec | | 0 Comments | April 13, 2021

Rust is a multiplayer-only survival video game that quickly became a favorite amongst players. It has no meaning, no actual goal, and no right way to play. Players decide how they want to progress, and they decide on what the “rules” are. This makes it a highly popular game and a very fun multiplayer. Not to mention the beautiful scenery that accompanies every player.

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But regardless of the non-existent rules and the fact that there is no right or wrong in the game, there are some great tips that will help beginners settle in before the survival of the fittest can start. Mastering these few technics and tricks will make a huge difference in gameplay, and once a player gets a good head-start, almost nothing can stop them.

Updated April 13 by Kara Coffman: With the Rust console release around the corner, it seemed worthwhile to add even more tips for players to take advantage of.

20 Choosing The Right Server

Starting from point 0 is a tip that isn’t even part of the game, but crucial nonetheless. Newcomers often choose a server that’s nearly full, for the excitement, but this will only make the game lag, and they’ll die very quickly thanks to the number of experienced players on the server.

A beginner-friendly, calmer server is one that isn’t crowded with competition, and players should have a nice “playground” to experiment with techniques and pace. After getting settled, they can go for the more crowded servers to really try themselves out and prove themselves to the competition.

19 Craft A Spear

The first thing players should do when spawning is craft a spear. A new player will almost immediately find themselves in a combat situation after spawning, so this should be the first thing they do no matter what. Before looking around, exploring, gathering, this should always be the first task they tend to.

Of course, players will want to upgrade, but a wooden spear is the cheapest, easiest and fastest tool a player can craft, and it can hold itself in those early combats. Remember, it’s a survival game, and it shows.

18 Have A Decoy

Base raids are an inevitable part of the game. People will take whatever they can find, and they will find everything. One if the best ways to throw them off the scent is by making them think they’ve found all there is. A decoy stash full of lesser loot is a great way of keeping them from searching for the important stuff. As for hiding places…

17 Hide Loot In The Foundations

Everyone has their own preferred hiding spots, but there’s no arguing that some are more common than others. A technique that is constantly under refinement is hiding the tool cupboard under the very foundations of the base itself.

RELATED: Rust: 10 Of The Best Places To Build A Base

Depending on the method chosen, this can be accomplished with exploits, optical illusions, or simple camouflage. With the myriad ways to put together a base, it’s really up to the player how they want to go about pulling this off.

16 Create A Sleeping Bag

Just like in Minecraft, a cozy place to sleep is a safe place. This is another ASAP item, and players will thank themselves later for it. So the second thing to craft will be a handy-dandy sleeping bag. Players will most likely start building and farming in the deeper parts of the island, and the general respawn point is on the beach.

RELATED: Rust: 10 Mistakes New Players Make (& How To Avoid Them)

So having a sleeping bag ready will save players from a lot of frustration when inevitably dying and respawning, having to make their way back to that perfect farming area. Cloth can be found by farming Hemp Fibers. These plants can be easily overlooked, so players have to keep an eye out at all times. They’ll need 30 cloth to make a sleeping bag, but these plants drop 10 cloth each, so it’s not at all difficult.

15 Hit The Right Spot

This is something unique in Rust, and players have to get used to it quickly if they want to survive. When gathering stone or wood, players will see a red X or sparkles, and hitting those will make the gathering quicker, and items will drop more resources.

This is something players have to learn fast, but because it’s so obvious, it’s not a problem for newcomers either. The number one thing is to always look for it, players shouldn’t forget, that X marks the spot.

14 Hold H To Hover Loot

The best part of a successful base raid is the loot. The excitement of some well-earned loot can be enough to throw off the perception of even the most seasoned players.

Even if they maintain total awareness of their surroundings, those few seconds that it takes to transfer the goods could mean the difference between a clean getaway and a retaliatory strike. Activating hover loot cuts this window exponentially by getting rid of the need to click. It’s bound to the h button by default but the player can bind it to any other button they choose.

13 Craft A Hatchet ASAP

Once players started gathering and crafting, and they have the much-needed sleeping bag, the next item to craft as quickly as possible is a hatchet. If a player has the opportunity to craft a hatchet before anything else mentioned above, they should definitely go for it.

RELATED: Rust: The 10 Best Weapons You Can Craft (& How To Make Them)

A hatchet is one of the most useful items in the entire game, so having on handy can be a literal lifesaver. Players will be dependent on their ability to craft various tools and objects quickly, and this versatile tool will help them do that faster. It’s amazing for gathering, and decent in combat also, so until a players’ first base is ready, they shouldn’t focus on other equipment.

12 Animals Migrate East

Animals in open world games are often good sources of crafting resources and food, but equally they pose a real danger to the player. Sometimes it seems like there are no animals anywhere when the player character is starving, but of course there are hostile animals everywhere when it comes time to build, travel, or craft.

That’s why it’s good to know that animals in Rust migrate East. Any player looking for the animals can confidently head that way. Meanwhile, those who want to get on with other things should head West for the least amount of animal interference.

11 Use Double Doors

After building the first base, players will think of ways to make it as protected as possible. Raids in Rust are the most common events, so resources and materials should be hidden well. For example, when getting into a fight with a very strong player, people often run and hide in their bases.

But if anything goes wrong, and they die, raiders will have an open door leading them right into the base. Instead, if players create an “airlock”, even if something goes wrong, there are two doors to get through. So whether someone dies on their doorstep, or someone somehow breaks in, it won’t be so easy for them and players still have a chance to protect their base.

10 Research Medkits

Medkits aren’t the rarest finds, but they have a place on most every player’s hotbar due to how often and how urgently they’re needed.

While weapons lose durability and structures decay, medkits are consumables, so they’re the first thing many players find themselves running out of. The ability to craft them on one’s own is invaluable, especially when fighting PVP or taking on monuments.

9 Don’t Go Overboard With Farming

Just like in Minecraft, when players die, they drop everything that was on them. So once the first base is ready and there’s a place to gather resources, players should go back and forth instead of gathering as much as humanly possible, because death will not only be painful but frustrating as well.

This is a common mistake amongst newcomers, so people should set a goal for the necessary amount of resources, and shouldn’t fly too close to the sun. They can always go back later.

8 Know When To Cook

Cooking is one of the more meditative and relaxing tasks in the game, but players have to be very careful about the timing of it. This is a mistake most newcomers make, not thinking about what it means. Building a fire in the middle of the night is almost like a flare gun that lets other layers know about anyone’s location.

RELATED: 10 Mistakes Everyone Makes While Playing Rust

The fire just screams “come raid me”, so players need to be very careful and cautious about the timing of lighting them. Before night falls players should always check the amount of food they have left, but if all else fails and they absolutely need to cook at night, they should go far away from the base. It’s better to advertise the location of the fire and a few pieces of meat than the entire base.

7 Get Plenty Of Barbeques

Not only do they produce delicious food, barbeques are also pretty great storage units. In fact, they can fit into spots that large storage boxes don’t fit into.

Since a small storage box can fit under a barbeque, there’s actually more storage space between those two than there is in a large storage box. As any hoarder knows, a little extra storage space is worth its weight in scrap.

6 Open Doors Take More To Destroy


This one’s pretty simple: open doors take less damage than closed doors. A strategically placed open door can prove a better blockade than a closed door with a combination lock. Some people even take it step further and use open doors as walls.

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The “air lock” technique of having two doors before the true entrance of the base can combine with this information to make for some pretty wicked defenses.

5 Don’t Go Overboard With Building

Another thing to keep at bay is the size and complexity of bases. In other survival and crafty games, players strive to have the biggest and best base in the entire world. To show off, and to feel right at home when entering the mansion. Rust is once again an exception. There are multiple reasons for keeping the base as humble as possible.

The first reason is that it asks for attention, which in this multiplayer game is not something players want. So they should avoid being flashy and huge, raiders love those. The next and more important reason for keeping it humble is the fact that houses decay. So when building a base players need to keep in mind, that structures don’t last forever, especially in Rust, so when designing and making the house, they should always keep in mind the amount of upkeep that demands.

4 Use Alt To Play Dumb

Using alt allows the player character to look with their head instead of turning full body. It’s a convenient timesaver and it makes the handling just that little bit less awkward, but even more importantly, it provides the chance to get sneaky. Combat in Rust is fast and brutal, and it often comes down to who gets the drop on whom.

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Lots of people will attempt to get at least one good shot in before the fight really gets going. The first instinct when a player notices someone creeping up is to turn around and attack, but by turning the head instead of the whole body, they can keep tabs on the enemy while still playing dumb. It’s always fun to surprise attack someone who thought they were the ones doing the surprising.

3 Check For Enemies Using Camp Fires


Camp fires are invaluable for all sorts of things like light, cooking, and smelting. The best thing about a camp fire is the comfort bonus, which slows down hunger and doubles health regeneration.

Another more obscure way a camp fire can help the player is detection. If the player isn’t sure whether or not there’s an enemy waiting for them, they can craft a campfire by the door and watch their comfort level. If it goes above 50% then there’s definitely an enemy out there. The higher it is, the more people nearby.

2 Don’t Aim For The Knees

From Fallout to Dead Space, games of all sorts encourage the player to cripple or sever limbs. Knee shots are almost reflexive for gamers at this point. They’re a great way to slow down pursuers or keep ambush targets from running away.

Sadly, in Rust, knees have no hitboxes. Fire at them and blood comes out, but the opponent’s health won’t actually deplete. Just try to aim for the head. That’s usually a safe bet.

1 Radiation Is A Thing In Rust – And It Will Kill You

Abandonment sites are great places to gather more valuable materials. Newcomers have the tendency to run into a fire when they see something shiny, but the number one rule in Rust is that if something can happen, it will happen. People will rob each other, houses decay, the world isn’t friendly.

Some abandoned buildings are radioactive, and this will kill any player that doesn’t have protective wear. So when a player sees an abandoned industrial site they should keep their ears open, and if they hear a weird crackling site, they need to turn around! This makes another golden rule: don’t get over-excited. Players should always be cautious no matter the amount of time spent in-game.

NEXT: 15 Survival Games To Play If You Like Rust


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